
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fish Month Addendum: About That Skullector Gill-Ghoul....

Well, she's been revealed. And it's terrible timing for me, and I'm not smitten. However, she's certainly relevant to my work here, she's quite interesting, and I promised she'd be a topic, so let's have a short chat.

Mattel stock photo of the Skullector Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Loose Ends in the Deep End

Finally finishing Isabrella's project inspired me to stay on both of her themes--fish dolls and finding closure with projects in limbo.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Half In Halves: Living Dead Dolls Viv by Mezco Toyz

This review was written to be a part of my second LDD roundup post and this content resided there for a while. Eventually, I decided that I had done enough work with this doll and that she was extreme enough in subject matter to be taken into her own post to give readers a little more agency vis-à-vis their horror tolerance. I got her between what are now going to be dolls 1 and 2 in the second roundup. I think solo posts will be my policy overall for LDDs that are more hardcore, though of course, not every solo LDD post is for the edgiest of them all. Warning for semi-real gory imagery.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Shallow Post, Deep Sea: A GSR Draculaura Hybrid-Monster Custom!

I've had this hybrid monster character in my head for a long time.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday, April 8, 2024

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Anniversary Reunion, Part 1: Revisiting My Roots with Amanita

 This is it. My first doll. Different copy, but she's back! 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Hostess With the Leastess: Living Dead Dolls Series 23 Betsy by Mezco Toyz

The Living Dead Dolls tea party continues with the second monthly addition--the awful little host, Betsy.  She was always going to be early in this project, and because she wasn't the first, she had to be the second.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Big Big Blizzard: Monster High Boo-riginal Creeproduction Abbey Bominable by Mattel

I hate glitter-encrusted skin. But I really love Abbey Bominable and liked her signature design more and more as time has gone by. So I decided to try. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Living Dead Dolls Roundup 1

While LDD special topics will continue to receive their own posts, there are several LDDs I'm going to try to collect over time that aren't connected to each other and/or don't warrant a full standalone post, so I'm going to be doing roundups to update on more miscellaneous acquisitions. The way I see it, LDD is special enough for me to document every doll I get on the blog here, but not enough for every doll to take up a post for itself. These dolls can be complete releases, or even, perhaps, incomplete miscellaneous Living Dead Dolls I decided to adopt just because they had something I liked that didn't require the whole package. So here's my first roundup. 

I would say this post is pretty safe as LDD goes. There's some scary (gore-free) imagery with the first doll, but nothing I would call truly distressing.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

She's Got Braaaaiiiins: Monster High Boo-riginal Creeproduction Ghoulia Yelps by Mattel

 The last time I got a Boo-riginal Creeproduction doll with Frankie Stein, it was my first blog review and a momentous acquisiton that reflected the culmination of a personal journey toward re-embracing my doll hobby, reconciling with my teenage years, and sticking with the hobby going forward. This time, with was really kind of a whim.