Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fish Month Addendum: About That Skullector Gill-Ghoul....

Well, she's been revealed. And it's terrible timing for me, and I'm not smitten. However, she's certainly relevant to my work here, she's quite interesting, and I promised she'd be a topic, so let's have a short chat.

Mattel stock photo of the Skullector Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Half In Halves: Living Dead Dolls Viv by Mezco Toyz

This review was written to be a part of my second LDD roundup post and this content resided there for a while. Eventually, I decided that I had done enough work with this doll and that she was extreme enough in subject matter to be taken into her own post to give readers a little more agency vis-à-vis their horror tolerance. I got her between what are now going to be dolls 1 and 2 in the second roundup. I think solo posts will be my policy overall for LDDs that are more hardcore, though of course, not every solo LDD post is for the edgiest of them all. Warning for semi-real gory imagery.