
Post Category Index

Blog lore:

Where to go to learn about me and where recurring elements in the blog are introduced.

Standalone classic reviews:

Where I primarily review toys as-sold. I may modify these toys afterward, but these posts are weighted more toward review than customization, and custom work is less extensive than what appears in RESTYLE ICONS below...or just doesn't qualify for RESTYLE ICONS labeling due to the doll being a one-off character. This list excludes posts in recurring features or series of 3+ parts.


    Where I make posts about my very favorite MH ghoul, about whom it might be said I have "a problem".

    Review-less original character projects:

    Art-first posts where I work to make new toy characters without reviewing the sources that comprise them.

    Reviews before conversions: 

    Where I look at a toy as-was before customizing or turning it into a new character, or induct a foreign brand's doll into the world of MH after reviewing it.


                     A short series in this category focusing on transforming fusion dolls into
                    single characters. 


    Where I work to make a definitive design for a recurring Monster High character whose official looks never quite worked for me.

    Character Roundups:

    Where I look at multiple iterations of one doll character in a review post to discuss their variation and appeal.

    Where I build my LDD collection through spotlighting three characters who wouldn't warrant individual posts.

    The Left Out Dolls: 

    Where I turn Shadow High (and sometimes Rainbow High) dolls into silly edgy goth customs.

    Multi-part mini-series:

    Where I break up a longer but finite concept/project into multiple posts for the sanity of myself and my readers.


    Getting Playmobilized:

    Picking Bones: 
    Investigating L.O.L. O.M.G.
    Revenge of the Yass Gremlins
    Let's Talk Trolls

    MH Essentials: 

    Where I discuss the most novel, unusual, historically significant, or boundary-breaking fashion dolls from Monster High that I find to be essential to any Monster High collection.


    Featuring the official Teatime Tangents and Toys body-model comparison doll, Maudie Sixtenstein (employed to compare the G1 standard Monster High body sculpt to other dolls). These posts either feature work on her design, her body comparison services, or storytelling segments where I had fun with her as a character...or multiple aspects at once. 

    Hey, maybe give these another look:

    These posts have gotten significant content updates, helpfully contained in "[UPDATE: *content* ]" brackets. If you see a post on this list that you didn't recall having a content update before, then it has one now that you might find useful.