Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gruesome Living Dead Dolls Roundup (Roundup #4)

Recently, I've been finding myself a bit more willing to bite on LDD entries which I'd previously written off for being too grotesque or gory or shocking. This is generally a bad thing for my already-long wishlist, but I'm more open to explore some more extreme or gross dolls if I think the design has some overall appeal in spite of (or possibly even because of) the nasty parts. There are still some dolls which I put a "no" on for being objectionable to me personally, but the presence of icky stuff is less of a deterrent now. Of course, though, I keep warnings for this stuff, and if gory LDD content can stand alone, then the whole post gets warned. That's what's happening here--a roundup of three dolls that are more hardcore than what I focus on normally. Proceed with caution.

Obvious warnings for bloody and gory imagery.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Burned at Teatime, But Not How You'd Think: Living Dead Dolls Series 23 Jennocide by Mezco Toyz

Yes, that is her name. Yes, I heavily disagree with the choice. Just making that clear. I'm being a descriptivist and honoring the character's official name but I find it poorly-chosen for its inappropriate glibness and its irrelevance to her concept.

Warning for surreal doll gore.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Blind-Bagged: Living Dead Dolls Series 8 Angus Litilrott by Mezco Toyz

 This was an interesting experiment, because this guy is something of a mystery surprise doll!

Warning for scary imagery and brief photos of gory doll imagery.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Living Dead Dolls Roundup 3

I don't set out to theme my LDD roundups, but by circumstance, dolls on the lower end which had good offers and piqued my interest around this time happened to all be boys! Basically none of the dolls I was considering for this roundup felt reasonable within the budget for May, so I improvised and ended up with another set of dolls I really liked.

I do have quite an interest in boy dolls just because the doll industry has arranged itself so they're a minority, and this holds true for LDD too, but I don't find myself taking a particular interest in most LDD boy dolls compared to other doll brands. These guys are exceptions!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Let's Talk Trolls, Part 1: My Childhood Russ Berrie Troll Dolls

One of my many childhood toy collections was troll dolls. They weren't new on the market anymore when I got them, but they weren't as long-retired as they are now. I used to have a lot of trolls, but now only have the most unique ones I'd gotten. Let's look at them!