Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gruesome Living Dead Dolls Roundup (Roundup #4)

Recently, I've been finding myself a bit more willing to bite on LDD entries which I'd previously written off for being too grotesque or gory or shocking. This is generally a bad thing for my already-long wishlist, but I'm more open to explore some more extreme or gross dolls if I think the design has some overall appeal in spite of (or possibly even because of) the nasty parts. There are still some dolls which I put a "no" on for being objectionable to me personally, but the presence of icky stuff is less of a deterrent now. Of course, though, I keep warnings for this stuff, and if gory LDD content can stand alone, then the whole post gets warned. That's what's happening here--a roundup of three dolls that are more hardcore than what I focus on normally. Proceed with caution.

Obvious warnings for bloody and gory imagery.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Burned at Teatime, But Not How You'd Think: Living Dead Dolls Series 23 Jennocide by Mezco Toyz

Yes, that is her name. Yes, I heavily disagree with the choice. Just making that clear. I'm being a descriptivist and honoring the character's official name but I find it poorly-chosen for its inappropriate glibness and its irrelevance to her concept.

Warning for surreal doll gore.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Blind-Bagged: Living Dead Dolls Series 8 Angus Litilrott by Mezco Toyz

 This was an interesting experiment, because this guy is something of a mystery surprise doll!

Warning for scary imagery and brief photos of gory doll imagery.